

Thursday, 7 May 2015


Yesterday was quite traumatic,with the extraction of five teeth... but I have to say, that once last night was over, today is not too bad with pain etc etc... I cannot wait to be able to use them properly, but for the moment am taking my time. I have not managed to eat much as they are a little loose, but the dentist said she would adjust if I go back. which I will, soon... Anyway all you kind people, thank you for your best wishes, and I am ok again now... in fact I took a picture and I think you will agree they do not look so bad... when I get the new pair in six months, they will be whiter than these, but for the moment, they are going to do me well.


  1. Lookin' good! Glad the pain is not too bad.

  2. too kind, I am so surprised that the pain is not horrific today, and hopefully will be even less tomorrow... still have trouble eating,but never mind that.. I can keep going for the moment knowing that it will help my weight loss ha ha... thanks for all the kind remarks..

  3. Now that's a lovely smile!

  4. What a radiant smile :o) So pleased for you that it went so much better than expected.
    Rose H xx

  5. I absolutely agree - you look wonderful!

  6. It’s great that you're doing well! Having five teeth extracted must’ve been quite an experience, but at least you are done with that problem. I just hope it doesn’t hurt too much, once the pain killers wear off. Anyway, here’s to a swift recovery! Cheers!

    Isabel Phelps @ Buckhead Dentist
