

Monday, 2 July 2012

Deeply disappointed

It didnt happen!
The re union that I had planned for and anticipated did not take place at all!!!

 I got up early made my ablutions and washed and set my hair. Got my clothes on, collected the payment John wanted banked, and then put all my things in the car and set off for the town. I had plenty of time to do the banking before going to collect my friend for our journey to Oxford. On the main road the car was juddering here and there and a strange whooshing sound came very noticable. Even moving the gears up to a higher ratio didnt seem to improve performance, but the juddering wore off and reappeared several times.

I banked the money and returned home and told John. We sat in the car and turned it on and there was nothing missing a beat, no red lights on the dashboard, and as the thinking was that it might be a bit of blockage that would sort itself out by a long drive, I set off for my friends house.

When I got there, her husband came down and spoke to me and I explained the problem. I sat in the next seat whilst David took the car for a little drive around.. He agreed with me that something was up and then I spoke to John at home who suggested that I call the AA people to get me home. However I thought it better than waiting around for a couple of hours or more, to try and limp home and let my friend be driven by her husband to Oxford and meet the others and say why I couldnt come after all !

 I'm sure that you will know how disappointed I am and missing the great opportunity to catch up and compare lives. I limped back home and the car goes into the garage on Wednesday.  I could have really arranged to travel with my friend and her husband and then come back and called the AA, but I would not have relaxed all afternoon thinking of how I was going to get home.. so I think I made the right decision, but it still hurts that I wasnt there**

There are lots of times when we experience lost opportunities and can only see them in hindsight. I know that if I had worked harder at school and thought about going to University in England I would have achieved a lot more on the job front and career wise. But at the time I just wanted studying to be over and to get out into the real world.. Of course matters were more simpler then. You went for an interview, they asked a few questions and if they liked the look of you, you had the job. It was so easy to get a job then, if you were well spoken, well dressed and had a reasonable education.

Not like now where they expect you to have degree level education before seeing you. Plus you have to present a cv sent before in order to be chosen to interview. I do not envy the young ones with all the hoops they have to jump through before  getting a decent job. It must so depressing to be refused time after time because so many people have applied for one job.!

I am lucky, touch wood, my kids all have jobs that they like and are respected by their colleagues, so thats one thing less to worry about because it really is a hard hard world out there now.

This recession is throwing up all sorts of reasons for it happening and the latest scandal is of course the banking systems, which got far too clever and weird that money was lost hand over fist again and again and everyone kept quiet and boosted their company reputation by not mentioning how bad things really were!!.

I do hope we at least get a handle on these wrongdoings and correct it all to be much safer and more believable in the future.. But I am not holding my breath!!

1 comment:

  1. What a shame you didn't get to go. I know what you mean though about not going anyway because the thought of getting home would have been on your mind.
